NLC Courses
updated 02/17/2025
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Spring & Summer Courses
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CRN SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR COURSE START BEGIN DAYS METHOD 13692 ACCT Kuder Financial Accounting 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 13710 ACCT Kuder Managerial Accounting 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 12064 ARTS Miller Art Appreciation 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 11125 GOVT STAFF Texas Government 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 10521 HIST STAFF United States History II 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 10514 HUMA Lack Intro to Humanities I 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 17759 MATH Guevara College Algebra 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 17765 MATH Ha Business Calculus 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 17767 MATH STAFF Mathematics for Teachers I 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 10789 MUSI Mayer Music Appreciation 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 10752 PHIL Babaie Introduction to Ethics 6/5/2025 900 1200 Face to Face 13696 SPCH Perez Interpersonal Communication 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 18509 BUSI Mackey Business Principles Fully Distance Educ Course -
CRN SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR COURSE START BEGIN DAYS METHOD 18509 BUSI Mackey Business Principles 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20633 BUSI Mackey Business Statistics 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19332 COSC Zhang Programming Fund I (Python) 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19333 COSC Zhang Programming Fund I (Java) 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19334 COSC Zhang Programming Fundamentals II 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19438 COSC Zhang Programming Fundamentals III 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19911 ECON McGehee Principles of Microeconomics 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20576 ENGR Stankus Introduction to Engineering 5/19/25 1015 1040 Face to Face 17775 ITSY STAFF Incident Response and Handling 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19337 MATH Rivas DE Math for College Algebra 5/19/25 1020 1110 Face to Face 19335 MATH Torres Lee DE Math for College Algebra 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 18116 MATH Rivas College Algebra (Corequisite) 5/19/25 900 1015 Face to Face 17762 MATH Torres Lee College Algebra (Corequisite) 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 17769 MATH Ha Precalculus 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20769 MATH STAFF Calculus II 5/19/25 800 940 Face to Face 21093 MRKG Flores Intro to Social Media 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21468 MRKG Flores Intro to Social Media 5/19/25 1230 1345 Face to Face 21652 MRKG Fazio Social Media Tools 1 5/19/25 900 950 Hybrid Course 21653 MRKG Fazio Social Media Tools II 5/19/25 900 950 Hybrid Course 20652 MRKG Fazio Social Media Tools III 5/19/25 900 950 Hybrid Course 11859 SPCH Perez Intro To Speech Communication 5/19/25 Fully Distance Educ Course -
CRN SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR COURSE START BEGIN DAYS METHOD 14670 BIOL Grimsley Nutrition & Diet Therapy 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21311 BIOL Cain Human Anatomy & Physiology I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19891 COMM Slatton Intro to Mass Communication 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19358 ECON Athyala Principles of Macroeconomics 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21654 ECON McGehee Principles of Macroeconomics 6/9/25 930 T Hybrid Course 19162 GOVT STAFF Federal Government 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 13546 HIST STAFF United States History I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 14833 HUMA STAFF Intro to Humanities I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21460 ITCC STAFF CCNA3 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20976 ITNW STAFF Fund of Networking Tech 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 17773 ITNW Goswami Routers 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20980 LMGT Mackey Warehouse & Dist Center Mgmt. 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21429 MATH Ibaroudene Math Prep 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19338 MATH Skrhak DE Math for College Algebra 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21430 MATH Ibaroudene Elementary Algebra 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19144 MATH Skrhak College Algebra (Corequisite) 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 17770 MATH Ibaroudene Precalculus 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 18847 MATH Makroz Calculus I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20653 MRKG Tran Principles of Marketing 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20635 PHIL Sadler Introduction to Philosophy 6/9/25 1100 MW Face to Face 19788 PSYC STAFF General Psychology 6/9/25 900 MW Face to Face -
CRN SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR COURSE START BEGIN DAYS METHOD 20176 MATH Vargas DE Math for College Algebra 6/23/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20171 MATH Vargas College Algebra (Corequisite) 6/23/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19012 MATH Guevara Precalculus 6/23/25 Fully Distance Educ Course -
CRN SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR COURSE START BEGIN DAYS METHOD 15736 ACCT Kuder Financial Accounting 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19942 ARTS Berlfein Art Appreciation 6/9/25 1300 MTWR Face to Face 14689 ARTS STAFF Art Appreciation 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21567 ARTS STAFF Art Appreciation 6/9/25 1000 MTWR Face to Face 17096 BIOL Parrott Biology for Science Majors I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 10114 BIOL Parrott Human Anatomy & Physiology I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21657 BIOL Rossi Human Anatomy & Physiology I 6/9/25 900 MTWR Face to Face 10118 BIOL Kosub Anatomy & Physiology II 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 12121 CHEM Mealey Intro Chemistry Lecture I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 10112 CHEM Adrian Introductory Chemistry I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 11950 CHEM Adrian Introductory Chemistry I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 16320 CHEM Mealey General Chemistry I 6/9/25 900 MTWR Face to Face 18926 EDUC STAFF Learning Framework 6/9/25 1015 MTWR Face to Face 16057 EDUC Carrasco Learning Framework 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21665 EDUC STAFF Learning Framework 6/9/25 930 MTWR Face to Face 18699 ENGL STAFF Composition I 6/9/25 800 MTWR Face to Face 10144 ENGL STAFF Composition I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21666 ENGL STAFF Composition I 6/9/25 1230 MTWR Face to Face 10100 ENGL STAFF Composition II 6/9/25 800 MTWR Face to Face 11449 ENGL Guzman Composition II 6/9/25 1015 MTWR Face to Face 10098 ENGL Malcolm Composition II 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 15542 ENGL Carmona American Literature II 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 10949 GEOG Stewart Physical Geography 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 16297 GOVT STAFF Federal Government 6/9/25 800 MTWR Face to Face 11121 GOVT STAFF Federal Government 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 16260 GOVT STAFF Texas Government 6/9/25 1015 MTWR Face to Face 11126 GOVT STAFF Texas Government 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 12907 HIST STAFF United States History I 6/9/25 1015 MTWR Face to Face 10519 HIST STAFF United States History I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 10557 HIST STAFF United States History II 6/9/25 1015 MTWR Face to Face 16863 HIST STAFF Texas History 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 17761 MATH Rivas College Algebra 6/9/25 1230 MTWR Face to Face 17760 MATH Torres Lee College Algebra 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 17766 MATH Makroz Elementary Statistical Methods 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20583 MATH Maldonado Mathematics for Teachers I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19336 MATH Vargas College Algebra (Precal Track) 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21432 MATH Miller Discrete Mathematics 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21349 MUSI STAFF Music Appreciation 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 12807 PHIL McDowell Introduction to Philosophy 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 11598 PHIL McDowell Intro to World Religions 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 18553 PHIL Babaie Introduction to Ethics 6/9/25 1245 MTWR Face to Face 16847 PSYC STAFF General Psychology 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 18347 PSYC STAFF Lifespan Growth/Development 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 12079 SOCI STAFF Introductory Sociology 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 10518 SPAN Zecca Elementary Spanish I 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 15605 SPCH Marks Interpersonal Communication 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 16837 SPCH Marks Bus & Prof Communication 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course -
CRN SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR COURSE START BEGIN DAYS METHOD 16329 ACCT Kuder Managerial Accounting 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19946 ARTS Munoz Art Appreciation 7/14/25 1300 MTWR Face to Face 15225 BCIS Helinski Business Computer Applications 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 12776 BIOL Erwin Biology Non-Sci Majors I-Lec 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19807 BIOL Perry Biology for Science Majors II 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21312 BIOL Cain Anatomy & Physiology II 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21658 BIOL Rossi Anatomy & Physiology II 7/14/25 900 MTWR Face to Face 21562 BMGT Moinvafa Production/Operations Mgmt 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 16319 CHEM Gold General Chemistry II 7/14/25 900 MTWR Face to Face 18927 ENGL Kirby Composition I 7/14/25 1015 MTWR Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV 17180 ENGL Chapman Composition II 7/14/25 1015 MTWR Face to Face 21668 ENGL STAFF Composition II 7/14/25 1230 MTWR Face to Face 16758 GOVT STAFF Texas Government 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20656 HIST STAFF United States History II 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21568 HUMA STAFF Intro to Humanities I 7/14/25 1000 MTWR Face to Face 21068 ITSC Helinski Integrated Software Apps I 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 20175 MATH Skrhak College Algebra 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21745 MATH STAFF College Algebra 7/14/25 1230 MTWR Face to Face 18126 MATH Guevara Business Calculus 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 18133 MATH Maldonado Mathematics for Teachers II 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21350 MUSI STAFF Music Appreciation 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 19777 PHIL Putman Introduction to Ethics 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 11196 SPAN STAFF Elementary Spanish II 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21011 SPCH Schafer Intro To Speech Communication 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 18367 SPCH Schafer Public Speaking 7/14/25 Fully Distance Educ Course -
CRN SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR COURSE START BEGIN DAYS METHOD 21160 ITNW STAFF Practicum - Computer Systems 6/9/25 Face to Face 20977 ITSY STAFF Internship - Info Systems Sec 6/9/25 Fully Distance Educ Course 21109 MRKG Flores Internship 6/9/25 Face to Face
*course availability is subject to change